YOGA: Namaste or Nah, man?

Begin the morning with yoga!  Source:
Begin the morning with yoga!

I have been intrigued by the practice of yoga. I have done it here and there for the last three years, and after my freshman year of college I have come to realize the personal benefits of yoga.

Ultimately why is yoga good for you?

Yoga is good for you because the practice is a form of mediation and allows your body and mind to take a break from reality. When you are in practice you gain a sense of peace, and it is a way to strengthen and tighten your body.

Interestingly enough, a group of scientists from the U.S. and the Netherlands did a study with over 2,700 test subjects who participated in yoga, in efforts to determine the benefits of yoga. The results showed that yoga has beneficial results comparable to biking or brisk walking because it helps in reducing heart disease while cutting down on cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and weight.

Diversity!  Source:

The unique aspect of yoga is that anyone can do it because the variety allows for all levels of the practice. In addition, there is a large variety to the type of yoga you choose to participate in. You can try: hot yoga, power yoga, relaxation yoga or even prenatal yoga. Yoga has many different types that provide a variety of outcomes.  But what type of yoga does what for you?


This type of practice is beneficial for three main reasons. The first is detoxification in which your body will experience heavy sweating which clears your system by flushing out toxins. The second is based on the concept that being in a warm environment allows the muscles in your body to warm up faster, and it enables deeper poses for the practice. The third benefits comes all the way from Toronto. The Tula Yoga Spa in Toronto raves that “working in a heated room also elevates the heart rate, which makes the body work harder.” If you think this it is a form of cardio, which is a benefit for people who look for alternative cardio workouts.


This type of practice is very intense because you will go through a series of poses and have five breaths for each pose. Additionally, this practice moves at a faster pace.


This type of practice is very low key and allows you to engage in the positions and relax. It is a good start for beginners.


This type of practice is for pregnant women. Not only is this a bonding experience for mother and baby but it is also a bonding experience for other pregnant women. Additionally, some studies suggest the health benefits such as sleep improvement, reduction of stress and anxiety as well as nausea and lower back to name a few.

Happy “Ohm-ing!”

 I told you it was for all ages!  Source:
I told you it was for all ages!

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