Water, what does it really do?

From an early age I have been told to stay hydrated, and make sure

Water!  Source: http://www.mundosdemujeres.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/drinking-water-while-working-out.jpg
Source: http://www.mundosdemujeres.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/drinking-water-while-working-out.jpg

that I drink eight glasses of water a day. But why? I am getting down to the matter and asking why do you biologically need water every day?

Additionally, in order for humans to break down our food we have to use hydrolysis reactions. Hydro: water. Lysis: break. In simple terms humans consume foods that are in the form of polymers (poly: many), which are composed of smaller parts called monomers (mono: one). In order to obtain in the energy from our food (which is done by breaking apart polymers) hydrolysis occurs, which is when water breaks apart the polymers.

Water molecules are composed of an oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms.  Source: http://www.dreamstime.com/stock-images-h2o-water-molecule-image4763154
Water molecules are composed of an oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms.
Source: http://www.dreamstime.com/stock-images-h2o-water-molecule-image4763154

Thus all the food you ingest must by hydrolyzed thus water must be used! Further, humans need water to digest food and obtain energy from our food.Getting down to the numbers and facts humans require water to survive because our bodies are 60% water, our brains are 70% water and our lungs are 90% water! Well the point is that humans use water for so many functions. Some important uses include: cushioning and lubricating joints, protecting the brain/spinal cord/other tissues, regulation of your body temperature, and removal of waste through perspiration and urination.

Water facts!   Source: http://www.rocklincrossfit.com/2014/06/10/its-soooo-hot/
Water facts!
Source: http://www.rocklincrossfit.com/2014/06/10/its-soooo-hot/

DISCLAIMER: Yes, you can drink too much water. This is considered water intoxication or hyponatremia. This is “a condition that occurs when the level of sodium in your blood is abnormally low. Sodium is an electrolyte, and it helps regulate the amount of water that’s in and around your cells.” This is when an excess of water  enters the cells in your body which causes them to swell. Particularly in the brain, swollen cells causes bad headaches to coma and even death. Scarily enough, hyponatremia has killed marathon runners during races.

Happy Hydrating!

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