Are you really prepared for that workout?

I usually go through about two pairs of sneakers a year. I can tell it is time for a new pair when my ankles and knees hurt before I finish my first mile. This idea of having the right gear really got me thinking. I began to consider the best equipment for my workouts. So I have decided to outline two products that are unique as well as key to optimal performance.

It acts as a kind of reflector for drivers and others around you. Source: http://shop. /classic/d/1284_ cl_4326
It acts as a kind of reflector for drivers and others around you.
Source: http://shop.

The first product that came to mind when I thought about working out was the Camelbak Hydration Pack. I think part of this came from my last post about water, but it is a really unique way to stay hydrated. It is essentially a mini backpack that hold water and has a straw-like attachment that allows you to have water whenever, hands free. These packs are great for bikers, hikers, and runners. But they are great for really any activity you could think of! (Kayaking, rock-climbing, act.). These packs run about $59.00 which is not a bad price considering their versatility. In addition, these packs have reflectors, carry 2 liters of water, and weigh about 4.4 lbs.

              The second product came to me when I was lifting last week. After I increased my weights I realized I was beginning to form calluses. For men I am sure this is not a big deal, it adds to their masculinity.

II love the pink too!  Source:
II love the pink too!

Yet, I am not a fan of calluses on my hands and I prefer to have soft hands. This is where Meister Women’s Lifting Gloves come into play. These gloves stop the friction and rubbing on your hands which causes the formation of calluses. Also these gloves are leather and washable which are important because they withstand the wear-and-tear they will be exposed to; also gyms are dirty and the washable factor is good to get rid of those germs every once in a while! These particular gloves range from $13.99-$16.99, which is not too bad either. 

Happy flexing!

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