You worked hard, now you pay for it?

A series of homemade remedies for injuries.

I am a big health nut, and in college it is hard for me to always choose the healthiest options. One of the natural remedies that I pride myself on is my aloe plant.

Inside of an aloe plant!  Source:
Inside of an aloe plant!

1. The aloe vera plant has many beneficial properties and when I skinned my knees at a pick-up game of field hockey I turned to my plant. Aloe is known as vulnerary thus it is able to help heal wounds. In particular aloe is good for burns, bug bites, abrasions and even pain relief of wounds. Aloe is something that most people buy in a bottle for the treatment of sunburns, but the aloe vera plant will provide the same results. So if you go for a run and get a bad racer-back burn, don’t fear! Aloe has got your back!

It is something that is bound to ail a runner at some point, and that something is shin splints .

2. One of the best home remedies for shin splints is ice.

Take it easy!  Source:
Take it easy!

This simple remedy is an easy way to relieve your shins and help you move past this injury. Other suggestions include not running up hills and giving yourself a little rest.

3. Another problematic injury for some athletes is stomach aches.

Mint leaves.  Source:
Mint leaves.

This could be due to performance anxiety or even a heavy meal before working out. A simple remedy for this is peppermint leaves. These leaves have been used for centuries for their ability to soothe stomach pain and relieve bloating. A good way to ingest peppermint leaves is by brewing tea or by chewing (not swallowing!) the leaves.

Happy Healing!

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