Does drinking coffee catalyze bowel movements?

I have just started drinking coffee seriously this year. I take it black, no frills. And to some it might seem weird that I like the taste of coffee but I do. And black coffee means no calories, win. But I have noticed that about 15-20 minutes after I have had my coffee mother nature […]

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YOGA: Namaste or Nah, man?

I have been intrigued by the practice of yoga. I have done it here and there for the last three years, and after my freshman year of college I have come to realize the personal benefits of yoga. Ultimately why is yoga good for you? Yoga is good for you because the practice is a […]

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Food SOS

Through the years and different environments I have learned that after any kind of workout you need to recover. The blog Breaking Muscle defines the purpose of recovery as a way “to allow the muscle to repair itself and to engage muscles that are tired or sore from a previous day or prior period of […]

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